Friday Favorites!

HAPPY FRIDAY! We made it through another great week. I cannot believe we're already at the end of October. I'm sad to see it go - so many great things happened this month. On the flip side, it was a very BUSY month and I'm looking forward to a fresh start in November and getting myself a bit more organized. Does anyone else feel that toward the end of the month you're just a little scrambled? Just me? Cool. 


Michael came home with a a couple nights ago - these Angie's Boom Chicka Pop Holidrizzle flavors  including Pumpkin Spice & Candy Corn Kettle Corn. Oh YEAH. Pumpkin Spice Boom Chicka Pop He also brought home these chocolates that he found at Whole Foods - one with energy and one with melatonin. This was actually on #NationalChocolateDay! There's a chocolate for everything.  Energy & Melatonin Chocolates

Around the web:

Improve Ankle Strength & Mobility - Tomorrow I'm running my first half marathon and my ankles were hurtin' bad on my last few long runs. I found this article really helpful if you're in the same boat! 

These Salmon Asparagus Muffins from Jess at! These just look incredible and such a great on-the-go breakfast. 

10 Easy Ways to Save $250 This Week - I spend too much money on coffee! 

This Pumpkin Banana Bread with Cream Cheese Swirl from Jen at are drool-worthy and I think she's inspired me to enter the Chiquita Banana Recipe Contest if I have the time on Sunday!


My mom is coming tonight so that she can watch me slowly crawl run the Philly Rock 'n' Roll half marathon! I am excited to run my first half, but honestly I'm more excited to get it over with. Training for this half marathon has taught me a lot of things, but mostly that my body isn't really made for long distance running. But more on that another day, I'm just going to focus on having fun and sticking with my goal of running the entire race! 

Listening to:

If you listen to podcasts at all, I recommend Switched on Pop. Michael is a podcast enthusiast and gives me many recommendations. I think this is my favorite so far. The episodes feature two guys who take apart and analyze today's biggest music hits. It's SO cool. My favorite episode so far has been about The Weeknd's I Can't Feel My Face. If you know music theory at all or you just plain love music, this podcast is the jam. 

Current favorites: 

XO - Rach

Do you have any favorite Podcasts?

What are you loving this week?