Friday Favorites 11.20.15

Hi! Happy Friday, friends. I hope everyone's week went well! Wanted to share a few of my Friday Favorites this week :) 


This Republic of Tea Apple Cider Tea. It's SO GOOD. I am coming down with a bad cold and I drank about four cups of it today at work. It really tastes like hot apple cider. 


Blue Apron Meals! Michael had a free trial for three meals and we ate them all at the beginning of the week. It was really fun! I actually learned a lot about how different spices go together and compliment a dish. My favorite meal was the first one we had, Roast Pork with Braised Endive. It was AMAZING. We also tried a Chicken Khoa Soi soup (which was really easy to make and I will be re-creating) and Crispy Cod with Spiced Cous Cous. It's such a great service! The produce and meats are very fresh, the only downside is that it is expensive in comparison to what we would normally eat on a week night, but so much fun to try. Definitely recommend! 

Blue ApronBlue ApronBlue Apron

Around The Web

15 Personal Training Predictions for 2016 - Although I'm not a personal trainer, I do teach fitness classes and I found this article interesting! I love that there's been a trend toward small group training, non-traditional workout equipment and varied program options and modalities. I know for one that I get bored if I do the same thing over and over again, so I always try to switch things up when I teach. “We’re a culture with an attention span 3 seconds long. The more variety we offer, the more interested people become in our services.” 

14 Foods Your Probably Pronouncing Wrong - It's AH-SAH-EE!! I still like to say A-KAI. 

These Sweet Potato Protein Bars from - these look delicious and super easy! Inspired me to create a sweet potato recipe of my own...coming soon! 


This week I went to a YBConnected event with my co-workers and boss on Wednesday night. It was fun to get out of the office with them on a weeknight and the venue was AWESOME! YBConnected is a networking organization in Philadelphia for young professionals and they support local organizations. My boss is one of the founders, so we get to join in on the fun! 

YBConnected Event

Another one of my FAVORITE things is that Thanksgiving is next week. NEXT WEEK!!! We had a Thanksgiving lunch yesterday for work and it got me really excited. 

Need some recipe inspiration? Check out these lovely ladies blogs for some Thanksgiving recipe roundups :) 

My Thanksgiving Recipe Pinterest Board...

Desert recipe round up from Rachel of (let's be honest, desert is most important right? Desert and turkey!)

This awesome Quinoa Thanksgiving Stuffing from Alexa of

Thanksgiving Sweet Potato & Apple Stuffed Cornish Hens with Pomegranate Glaze from Juli of

Listening To:

Here's another little spin playlist I put together for my Monday morning class! I think it's one of my favorite times of the week. Even though it SUCKS waking up at 5:15 am on Mondays, it's so much fun once I get there and get in the groove. It's always a small class, but they have great energy.  

Matchstick by American Royalty is on repeat this week! Great song.

Okay friends, have a great day!

XO- Rach

What are you loving today?

What are you up to this weekend?

Any big Thanksgiving plans?

What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish?