Weekend Recap: Passover, Anniversary & Beach

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter/Passover weekend! I was able to go home to spend Passover with my family, which is something that I haven't done in a long time! School has always been too busy at this time. This weekend was special because my grandparents held the seder on Friday night and it was also their 51st wedding anniversary on Sunday...and they had NO idea I was coming home! It was such a fun surprise. I love surprises. Instead of writing about it I'll just share a bunch of pictures! I got home Thursday night and had dinner downtown with my dad and sister. My dad just moved into a new condo downtown that is right on the river and beautiful! Going home is vacation more than anything!


Friday consisted of a strength class at the gym I used to go to at home and then I hit the beach with my sister and mom. It was GORGEOUS. Man, I miss the beach here.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetFriday night we made it over to my grandparents place for Passover and they were definitely surprised!

M girlsPOur seder was nice, can never go wrong with matzoh ball soup and Manischewitz - a kosher wine that tastes like straight up grape juice if you are not familiar. Delicious, but a recipe for a wicked hangover if more than eight ounces is consumed.

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Saturday morning I did an aerobic step class with my mom - HARD. The choreography was wild and it left me drenched. Step is underrated these days! It's so fun and such a good workout. Saturday we grilled chicken & steak, made garlic bread, salad and other munchies for a little anniversary party for my grandparents. Whenever I go home it entails a lot of food and a lot of family time! All things I love.



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It was a fun and super relaxing weekend! We also made an amazing cocktail Saturday night and I will share the recipe in a future post :)

I look forward to a little more down time after graduation!

How did you spend your weekend? Family? Food? Sun?