Happy Friday! Sitting writing this post in the Philly airport. I keep realizing things that I love so much about this city and one of the best perks is that not only are there direct flights literally all the time back home to Ft. Myers (makes it easy to catch a plane after work Friday), but the train to get to the airport is the best thing ever. I caught a 3:30 train by a station near work (so easy to get to) and it took me right to my terminal for a whopping $6.50. It took me all of 3 minutes to get from the train and through security. Next time I know to leave later! It's the little things. But really, this in comparison to how expensive it was to get to the airport in NYC last summer is insane. I LOVE IT HERE.
Anyway, I'm going home for a quick weekend to see my sister graduate from Fort Myers High School. I'm excited to go home and see the fam and friends.
This week went by pretty quickly thanks to Memorial Day. Unfortunately there was a bug going around the office, and what seems like all of Philadelphia. I was up all night last night with a fever but luckily shook it off in time to make it to work today.
This week I tried some fun classes with my class pass. On Tuesday night I did a CrossFit class at CrossFit University City. It kicked my butt. We did a 32 minute workout. Every 4 minutes we had to complete a 250 meter run or row (I only rowed twice), 5 power cleans and 10 shoulder to overheads for 8 rounds. My triceps are still so sore from this workout, which I can't really figure out but at least I know they were working hard!
And Wednesday night I did another cycle class at Body Cycle Studio, which was AMAZING. The instructor was so fun to listen to and her playlist was on point. I need to get teaching again!!
Thursday I felt like POOP so I got home from work and passed out and today I am still not feeling great so I'm sitting at the airport drinking orange juice. Next week I'm going to try a couple barre classes, another RowZone class and possibly another cycle or CrossFit class. Loving the variety!
Next weekend when I finally have a free-ish weekend I hope to do some cooking and/or baking. I haven't been taking pictures of any fun meals I've made because I literally haven't made anything exciting. This whole week I pretty much ate the same thing every day. With my new job and a new city, it's easy to spend a little too much money on stupid stuff, so I'm really trying my best to not spend money on things that I don't need. Like, I don't absolutely need fancy juices or chia seeds or expensive coffee drinks or Ben and Jerry's (failing at this one). I could buy two dozen eggs for the price of one Starbucks latte, so those things really add up! Hellloooo adult life. I've been eating a lot of eggs, oatmeal, chicken, lettuce, bacon, apples and TUNA. So much tuna because it's so cheap.
Okay, time to board. Talk soon!