Posts tagged crossfit
Workout Wednesday: Weekly Workouts + 2 Pinnable, No Equipment Workouts!

What day is it? HUMP DAY. I found this fun Pinterest-y quote and I really love it to go along with today's post: 

Self Respect

Despite the last week being cuckoo crazy with traveling and indulging in LOTS of food, mostly not healthy, I was able to move my body almost every day. 

Monday - I teach a 45 minute spin class every Monday morning at 6 a.m. I was very beat up from my 11 miler on Sunday, but spinning actually felt great for my knees and ankles. 

Tuesday - Upper body push/pull workout

4 Rounds - Superset 1

10 kettlebell overhead press; 10 hammer curls

4 Rounds - Superset 2

10 KB chest press; 10 KB bent over rows

4 Rounds - Superset 3

10 TRX tricep extensions; 10 lat pull downs

4 Rounds - Superset 4

10 push-ups; 10 KB sumo deadlift-high pull

Ended with some sprints (literally like two, I was tired) and some core work!

Wednesday - Lower body push/pull workout - was traveling for work, able to get in a workout before work in the morning.

4 Rounds - Superset 1

10 kettlebell goblet squats; 10 cable low rows

4 Rounds - Superset 2

10 lateral step-ups; 10 trap bar deadlifts

4 Rounds - Superset 3

10 split squat; 10 KB swings

4 Rounds - Superset 4

10 forward lunge with halo (did this with a KB, can be done with Dumbbell); 10 KB snatches

This was great too - I was really into the push/pull thing last week - gets the muscles feelin' happy.

Thursday - in Ohio for work with a client and we ate all of this in addition to an incredible meal & wine (Those are ice cream cookie sandwiches, not pictured is another plate full of them):


So Thursday morning we were itching to move our bodies before a full day. Along with my co-workers Jaime and Laura, we completed this fun little doozy - no equipment needed! Just a step, ledge, bench, anything!

CrossFit Style No Equipment Workout - for when you're short on time, but need a good sweat!

Friday - rest day, sat on my bum in a plane, at work and in the car. I traveled back to Philly from Ohio and then up to the Finger Lakes in New York after work. 

Saturday - short hike in the Finger Lakes plus hiking in and out of the car to the many wineries we visited - that counts, right?

Sunday - traveled back to Philly, no workout. I was pooped - it's tough drinking all that wine! 

Before I go I want to share one more no equipment workout with you! I did this one after work one day on the Schuylkill River Trail. I couldn't bring myself to go inside of the gym when the weather & view were just perfect (photo used in this graphic was my workout view!)  I broke it up into 10 rounds of 10. 300 Workout - A quick workout for when you're in a pinch!

XO - Rach

Do you prefer to workout inside or outside?


Short week + Back home for the weekend!

Happy Friday! Sitting writing this post in the Philly airport. I keep realizing things that I love so much about this city and one of the best perks is that not only are there direct flights literally all the time back home to Ft. Myers (makes it easy to catch a plane after work Friday), but the train to get to the airport is the best thing ever. I caught a 3:30 train by a station near work (so easy to get to) and it took me right to my terminal for a whopping $6.50. It took me all of 3 minutes to get from the train and through security. Next time I know to leave later! It's the little things. But really, this in comparison to how expensive it was to get to the airport in NYC last summer is insane. I LOVE IT HERE.

Anyway, I'm going home for a quick weekend to see my sister graduate from Fort Myers High School. I'm excited to go home and see the fam and friends.

This week went by pretty quickly thanks to Memorial Day. Unfortunately there was a bug going around the office, and what seems like all of Philadelphia. I was up all night last night with a fever but luckily shook it off in time to make it to work today.

This week I tried some fun classes with my class pass. On Tuesday night I did a CrossFit class at CrossFit University City. It kicked my butt. We did a 32 minute workout. Every 4 minutes we had to complete a 250 meter run or row (I only rowed twice), 5 power cleans and 10 shoulder to overheads for 8 rounds. My triceps are still so sore from this workout, which I can't really figure out but at least I know they were working hard!

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 4.34.39 PM

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 4.35.11 PMAnd Wednesday night I did another cycle class at Body Cycle Studio, which was AMAZING. The instructor was so fun to listen to and her playlist was on point. I need to get teaching again!!

Thursday I felt like POOP so I got home from work and passed out and today I am still not feeling great so I'm sitting at the airport drinking orange juice. Next week I'm going to try a couple barre classes, another RowZone class and possibly another cycle or CrossFit class. Loving the variety!

Next weekend when I finally have a free-ish weekend I hope to do some cooking and/or baking. I haven't been taking pictures of any fun meals I've made because I literally haven't made anything exciting. This whole week I pretty much ate the same thing every day. With my new job and a new city, it's easy to spend a little too much money on stupid stuff, so I'm really trying my best to not spend money on things that I don't need. Like, I don't absolutely need fancy juices or chia seeds or expensive coffee drinks or Ben and Jerry's (failing at this one). I could buy two dozen eggs for the price of one Starbucks latte, so those things really add up! Hellloooo adult life. I've been eating a lot of eggs, oatmeal, chicken, lettuce, bacon, apples and TUNA. So much tuna because it's so cheap.

Okay, time to board. Talk soon!



Weekly Workouts + Pitstop in Connecticut and Brooklyn

I hope everyone had a cheerful Memorial Day weekend! I got back to Philadelphia today and had a very fun, all-over-the-place weekend. Before I share my weekend travels, I wanted to share all of the fun classes I did last week, thanks to Class Pass. If you haven't heard of class pass, it is a service that you can subscribe to monthly and attend unlimited group fitness classes at the studios and gyms that are partnered with class pass. There are SO many studios that I can have access to with class pass, so it is really fun to try new classes every week. So here is what I did last week:

Monday - rest; tired from the weekend and pooped after work

Tuesday - 45 minute rowing class at RowZone - LOVED this!! The class included intervals on the rower and strength intervals off the rower.

Wednesday - Bikram Yoga - PHEWWW I can't believe I made it through the 90 minute class. Not sure I'll be back, but had to try. 60 minutes would be plenty for me. I enjoyed the heat, but the excessive sweating was a little ridiculous.

Thursday - 60 minute cycle at Body Cycle Studio - this was a fun class and a really nice little cycle studio! Going to try my best to audition to teach here...

Friday - rest; work and then traveled to Allentown after work!

Saturday - watched the CrossFit East regionals while I ate chicken fingers and fries (hardest workout all week?)

Sunday - 3-4 mile run/walk + probably 2 more miles of walking (didn't track anything) around Prospect Park in Brooklyn with Michael. The weather was in the low 70's and we just wanted to be outside all day. Plus the amount of dogs in the park made it worth it (I'm a tad obsessed.)


Today - bussed back to Philly, schlepped to get some groceries at Whole Foods and helped my roomie build a bed so that was enough moving around for me! Just relaxing and enjoying the day off :)

I love variety and the variety that class pass allows makes me really excited to workout. I am also trying to run more during the summer before the northern cold weather takes over in only a few months (yikes, not ready.)

Anyway, this weekend was a blast. I got to Michael's place in Allentown around 6 p.m. on Friday. He made steak and rice and we downed a bottle of wine - we were sleeping by 10:30 (we're crazy partiers, I know.)

Saturday morning we left by 7:30 to head up to Hartford, CT to watch the CrossFit East superregionals! CrossFit isn't really my thing, but I definitely like to learn about and respect every form of fitness. Plus, watching the athletes is really fun and exhausting in itself! It was also fun to see a new city even though we only saw a small part of downtown.

Downtown Hartford


Our original plan was to camp in Connecticut Saturday night and go hiking on Sunday morning, but literally every camp site was booked. We clearly do well at planning ahead! Luckily, the wonderful people, Steve & Diana, that I lived with last summer in Brooklyn were home for the weekend and generously offered for us to stop by and stay the night!

Pretty NYC Skyline



It ended up working out perfectly because New York was on the way home, and I had not seen them since last summer! We had a lot of fun catching up on Saturday night. On Sunday, Michael and I got up early to grab coffee and enjoy the beautiful day.



I had plans to take Michael to Smorgasburg. We got on the L train to Williamsburg, where I remember the food festival being last year (it happens every weekend on Saturdays and Sundays from April-November.) We got there and I realized that on Sundays it is at a totally different park! Go me. We stayed in Williamsburg for a delicious lunch anyway and got to enjoy walking around without the crazy masses of people.



We picked up some craft beer on the way back to Steve & Diana's house to enjoy while everyone prepared for a big BBQ. More food! Steve is a chef and made killer ribs and chicken on the grill, and Diana's potato salad is amazing. They make sure everyone is well fed!


IMG_2928 (1) We hit the road after dinner to go back to Allentown. I'm really happy that I live so close to New York now because Steve and Diana really feel like family away from home in Florida. I'm never one for making plans and I think that this weekend just reminded me how much more fun traveling is when you don't really have a set plan. We had no idea we would be stopping in Brooklyn but so glad we did! It's all just an adventure, right?

The weekend was well spent, but I'm ready to get back to work tomorrow to keep learning new things. Have a wonderful Monday night and Tuesday morning.

- Rach