Posts tagged workouts
Birthday Weekend + Recent Eats + Workouts

Last weekend was my birthday weekend and it was filled with so much delicious food and wine! This whole month (like every other summer) I've kind of let myself relax a lot in terms of eating and working out. I've really been enjoying life and eating all the good things. I've also been a little less strict about my workouts because I started to feel a bit burnt out with everything going on. Going into this new month I'm going to try to be a little bit better about my eating habits and try to switch up my workouts a little bit. 

Buck's County Wineries

Last Saturday we took a little tour of the Buck's County wineries - such a cheap and fun thing to do! We stopped by Rose Bank Winery, Wycombe (my personal favorite), Buckingham Farms and Rushland Ridge Winery. 

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Wycombe Winery was my favorite overall because of the delicious wines and complimentary food. They had this olive garlic dip that was so tasty I've already re-created it at home and it's already gone. Rushland Ridge was a close favorite, mostly because of our expectations. We read this Yelp review before going there:

Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 10.55.00 AM

This review was a blessing in disguise - we all love dogs, 'abundantly poured' tastings sounded pretty great to us, and 'personal residence' sounded like a laid back and relaxing environment! And then we went and were greeted by the most adorable black lab, we got to pour our tastings on our OWN, and the laid back feeling was everything. Melissa from Conshohocken, you suck. AND my favorite wine I tried all day was from this winery. I thought it was "up to snuff," Melissa. RUDE. 

Recent Eats

Anyway, here's what I've been eating lately...lots of eggs, salads, chicken, beef, the usual!! 


Breakfast of eggs, spinach, tomato, banana and peaches with peanut butter.


An egg, spinach, avocado, Sriracha, and a banana with peanut butter! 


A delicious lunch salad with romaine, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, castelvetrano olives (best olives ever), basil, a burger and my homemade olive garlic spread from Wycombe Winery (told you I made it).  


Another hearty salad this time with avocado, feta and chicken made in the crockpot. 


I've been making whole chickens lately either in the crockpot or in the oven and it's the best. Such a cheap way to have delicious protein all week. Look at that beauty. I've been saving the carcasses to make homemade bone broth. No food goes wasted! 

We went down to DC for a wedding this past weekend and all healthy eating goes out the door when on vacation - here's a pic of us devouring a Mortadella and Fontina pizza in the car...


And a pic from the wedding to capture that I do in fact sometimes shower...


Monday - Unite Fitness class - I'm going to start coaching group fitness classes at Unite so I try to pop in when I can! This workout was great. All of the workouts focus on 30 minutes of cardio, 30 minutes of strength circuits and 15 minutes of yoga! 

Tuesday - 20 mins incline treadmill walking + a Thrive strength workout

Wednesday - Thrive strength workout. Butt was sore from this one - lots of split squats! I did this workout with one of my clients and it was fun to push each other! 

Thursday - taught 60 minute spin + Thrive team workout:

3x: Overhead slams, broad jumps and bear crawls 

3x: 10 KB swings, 3/3 KB snatches, 5 KB Goblet squats, 5 push-ups

10 min: one lower, one upper and one core (moving with purpose) I did jump squats, chin-ups and weighted sit-ups. 

We then ended with a nice little burst of spin that I taught! I don't know if these guys had fun with it but I certainly did ;)


Friday - Hill sprints with my co-workers. We only did about 20 minutes (if that) and my hamstrings were sore ALL WEEKEND!!! 

Saturday and Sunday - Heavy lifting of the fork to my mouth. Best workouts all week. 

Happy Tuesday!! Hope everyone's week is off to a great start. Running to work now to train clients for the rest of the night :)

How was your weekend?

Wineries or breweries?

What was your favorite meal all week?

#WorkoutWednesday: Boot Camp Workout & Half Marathon Playist

You know those days that when it turns 5:30 p.m., you think back to what happened earlier in the day and it feels like a week ago? That was my day yesterday. I think that Daylight Saving time has something to do with it because it's now pitch black outside when I leave work, but it was just a long, strange day. I missed my train in the morning, a grumpy old man at CVS told me to drop dead around noon after I accidentally cut in line to buy soap and then a man approached me as I was rushing to catch my train to introduce himself and tell me that he was catching a train too but took the time to introduce himself (jeesh could you be a little more subtle, bud?) People, man. Lessons learned today: kick my ass into gear in the mornings, DON'T cut old men in line at the Pharmacy and maybe put my earphones in while I walk to the train.  Let's get to the fun stuff - sweat! 

Here's what my week of workouts looked like last week:


Teach 6 a.m. spin class 


5K run along the river and a few stair sprints up the Art Museum steps. I loved this workout. I can't get enough of the fall weather and being outside after work. I mean, look at this view! 

Rocky Statue Philadelphia

Philadelphia Art Museum StepsWednesday:

21-15-9-6 reps of hang cleans, push-ups, kettlebell swings and push presses 

4 Rounds of 100 meter run, 10 alternating box pistol squats, 5 bicep curl & press, 15 in and outs


Early a.m. sculpt class


Rested and carbed up for the half marathon!


Philly Rock 'N' Roll Half Marathon! First time I've ever run 13.1. 


I stretched a bit and put my mom through a little circuit workout. I didn't do all of it with her but it actually felt good to move my sore body! Then we went for about an hour and a half walk that was only supposed to be 30 minutes. Oh, and lots of eating. 

It was a solid week of workouts, but I really am looking forward to getting back into more strength training and mobility. Running has taught me a lot but I'm totally ready to switch it up again. 

I will leave you with this boot camp inspired workout that's adapted from my Super Circuits class & my half marathon playlist that I didn't even listen to during the half marathon! But I promise it's been on repeat otherwise. 

Full Body Boot Camp Workout

Can you tell that circuit style workouts are my favorite? Best bang for your buck!  

Have a great Hump Day, everyone!

XO- Rach

Did you have a weird Tuesday, or am I the only one? Is Mercury in Retrograde or something?

What was your favorite workout of the week?

Workout Wednesday: Weekly Workouts + 2 Pinnable, No Equipment Workouts!

What day is it? HUMP DAY. I found this fun Pinterest-y quote and I really love it to go along with today's post: 

Self Respect

Despite the last week being cuckoo crazy with traveling and indulging in LOTS of food, mostly not healthy, I was able to move my body almost every day. 

Monday - I teach a 45 minute spin class every Monday morning at 6 a.m. I was very beat up from my 11 miler on Sunday, but spinning actually felt great for my knees and ankles. 

Tuesday - Upper body push/pull workout

4 Rounds - Superset 1

10 kettlebell overhead press; 10 hammer curls

4 Rounds - Superset 2

10 KB chest press; 10 KB bent over rows

4 Rounds - Superset 3

10 TRX tricep extensions; 10 lat pull downs

4 Rounds - Superset 4

10 push-ups; 10 KB sumo deadlift-high pull

Ended with some sprints (literally like two, I was tired) and some core work!

Wednesday - Lower body push/pull workout - was traveling for work, able to get in a workout before work in the morning.

4 Rounds - Superset 1

10 kettlebell goblet squats; 10 cable low rows

4 Rounds - Superset 2

10 lateral step-ups; 10 trap bar deadlifts

4 Rounds - Superset 3

10 split squat; 10 KB swings

4 Rounds - Superset 4

10 forward lunge with halo (did this with a KB, can be done with Dumbbell); 10 KB snatches

This was great too - I was really into the push/pull thing last week - gets the muscles feelin' happy.

Thursday - in Ohio for work with a client and we ate all of this in addition to an incredible meal & wine (Those are ice cream cookie sandwiches, not pictured is another plate full of them):


So Thursday morning we were itching to move our bodies before a full day. Along with my co-workers Jaime and Laura, we completed this fun little doozy - no equipment needed! Just a step, ledge, bench, anything!

CrossFit Style No Equipment Workout - for when you're short on time, but need a good sweat!

Friday - rest day, sat on my bum in a plane, at work and in the car. I traveled back to Philly from Ohio and then up to the Finger Lakes in New York after work. 

Saturday - short hike in the Finger Lakes plus hiking in and out of the car to the many wineries we visited - that counts, right?

Sunday - traveled back to Philly, no workout. I was pooped - it's tough drinking all that wine! 

Before I go I want to share one more no equipment workout with you! I did this one after work one day on the Schuylkill River Trail. I couldn't bring myself to go inside of the gym when the weather & view were just perfect (photo used in this graphic was my workout view!)  I broke it up into 10 rounds of 10. 300 Workout - A quick workout for when you're in a pinch!

XO - Rach

Do you prefer to workout inside or outside?