Posts tagged lifestyle
Monday Motivation: Face Your Fears.

Face your fears: Monday Motivation |

Let me ask you this: when was the last time you did something that scared you? Maybe it was just last night getting that cockroach out of your apartment (ew, good for you, I'm still deathly afraid) or maybe it was a few months ago when you took on a new project at work that you were a little apprehensive about. No matter how big or small the feat, it is so important that we get outside of our comfort zones and tackle our fears.

Get ready to laugh. Friday was my day off and Michael took a half day, so he took me skiing at a mountain nearby. I've never been skiing before, but I was really excited and thought I would be able to pick up on it quickly. After all, I would say I'm in shape, I used to water ski all the time and I have pretty good balance. It couldn't possibly be that hard, right?

I get my skis on, and I freeze up (no pun intended). I'm like a drunk child trying to walk and failing miserably. You guys, it took me about 20 minutes just to get over to the lift...this whole skiing thing did NOT come naturally at all!!! I looked up at the slope above (a bunny slope, at that) and I was SCARED. Freaked the eff out. I don't do heights and I don't do rollercoasters, so the thought of gaining speed and cruising down the slope made my heart race. 

Fast forward, we get on the lift. We're halfway up and I just break down. Literally start crying out of no where. I just thought, "I can't do this." If you've ever seen the Kardashian episode where Kim breaks down before going zip lining, that was me. Quite accurately. (Fast forward to :11 please..)


If it wasn't for Michael there telling me what I always preach, "YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO," I would have given up. So I'm crying and manage to hop of the ski lift and wipe out. Michael starts teaching me how to cruise down and I just keep falling. And crying. I cried like four times. This shit was HARD. I was about to give up, and Michael just looks at me and tells me to "have some damn faith in myself" and it just clicked - I NEEDED to do it. There was no turning back because it wasn't like I could just walk down. So I get up and just keep repeating in my head "you can do this, it's okay." So I did it. It took a long ass time, I probably fell about 25 times and I WISH I had video to see how much of an idiot I looked like. But I made it down the slope. And then I immediately ran up to the bar for a beer. PHEW!!  


So the moral of the story is: I desperately need some ski lessons FACE YOUR DAMN FEARS!! No matter how much something scares you, when you get to the other side and conquer that fear, it only makes you that much stronger. 

I hope you enjoyed this story. Have a wonderful week, everyone and break down those obstacles.

XO- Rach

When was the last time you overcame a big fear?

Is there a motto or saying that helps you get through tough times?




5 Reasons to Get Outside During The Work Day

What's up, party people? Is anyone as excited as I am that Thanksgiving is in TWO DAYS!?! I cannot wait. Jumping up and down.

It's been a busy week at work so far trying to get everything done and scheduled so that I can enjoy the holiday and the weekend.

It's getting so chilly up here! On Sunday Michael and I went for a little hike through the Wissahickon Trail. It was so glorious and I'm mad that I haven't done it before. It got me really thinking that it's SO important to get outside and enjoy some nature and vitamin D because there are so many health benefits - mental and physical. Since working full time inside of an office, it really makes me appreciate the fresh air even more so. 

Wissahickon Trail

Wissahickon Trail


5 Reasons To Get Outside During The Work Day

1. You practice being present and mindful.

Being outside in nature makes you 'naturally' more aware of your surroundings. Even if it's just for 10 minutes, you can't deny that enjoying nature allows you to free your mind a bit. At work each day, I try to make a point to get out of the office for 10-20 minutes and walk around outside WITHOUT checking my email on my phone (sometimes I even fail at this.) A breath of fresh air brings my mind that's usually in a million different places to ease.

2. You'll be more productive.

This goes along with #1, but it's definitely true that after a walk outside, I get back into my office with a more productive mindset. Maybe it's because I am a bit more present and my mind isn't all over the place, but it's actually proven that getting outside lowers symptoms of distractibility. So when you're feeling that adult ADD kicking in, go outside! 

3. Your less likely to be depressed.

Spending hours and hours in front of our computer can lead to bad sleep, worsened eye sight and even depression. Think about it, human beings weren't meant to sit at a desk all day staring at a computer screen or phone screen. Our bodies need to be exposed to the restorative elements of nature on a daily basis. Right now in this moment, what puts a smile on your face? Envisioning walking down a beach on a sunny day or watching YouTube videos in bed?  

4. Your stress levels will lessen. 

You know when that mental fatigue kicks in around 3:30 p.m. and you want to either pull your hair out or fall asleep? It's time to go outside. Getting outside encourages you to move your body, and just a quick 5-15 minute stroll can boost your endorphins and lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). Cue those happier feelings! Instead of that afternoon pick-me-up coffee, try taking a short walk instead.

5. It improves your immune system. 

Exposure to nature is proven to make you healthier by improving your immune system. Catching some rays helps your skin produce more Vitamin D, which will help your body stay strong to fight of illness. Even if you are sick, getting a breath of fresh air will allow you to escape from the indoors that are crawling with germs. 

The great outdoors are just that. They're GREAT. I challenge you to get outside every single day during your work week for at least 20 minutes if you can to reset, clear your mind and help your health. And if you have a job that allows you to be outside for the majority of the time, you rock. 

Have a wonderful day!! 

XO- Rach

Do you try to get outside during the day?

Have you ever felt mentally fatigued?

What else is a natural stress reliever for you?





#WorkoutWednesday: Boot Camp Workout & Half Marathon Playist

You know those days that when it turns 5:30 p.m., you think back to what happened earlier in the day and it feels like a week ago? That was my day yesterday. I think that Daylight Saving time has something to do with it because it's now pitch black outside when I leave work, but it was just a long, strange day. I missed my train in the morning, a grumpy old man at CVS told me to drop dead around noon after I accidentally cut in line to buy soap and then a man approached me as I was rushing to catch my train to introduce himself and tell me that he was catching a train too but took the time to introduce himself (jeesh could you be a little more subtle, bud?) People, man. Lessons learned today: kick my ass into gear in the mornings, DON'T cut old men in line at the Pharmacy and maybe put my earphones in while I walk to the train.  Let's get to the fun stuff - sweat! 

Here's what my week of workouts looked like last week:


Teach 6 a.m. spin class 


5K run along the river and a few stair sprints up the Art Museum steps. I loved this workout. I can't get enough of the fall weather and being outside after work. I mean, look at this view! 

Rocky Statue Philadelphia

Philadelphia Art Museum StepsWednesday:

21-15-9-6 reps of hang cleans, push-ups, kettlebell swings and push presses 

4 Rounds of 100 meter run, 10 alternating box pistol squats, 5 bicep curl & press, 15 in and outs


Early a.m. sculpt class


Rested and carbed up for the half marathon!


Philly Rock 'N' Roll Half Marathon! First time I've ever run 13.1. 


I stretched a bit and put my mom through a little circuit workout. I didn't do all of it with her but it actually felt good to move my sore body! Then we went for about an hour and a half walk that was only supposed to be 30 minutes. Oh, and lots of eating. 

It was a solid week of workouts, but I really am looking forward to getting back into more strength training and mobility. Running has taught me a lot but I'm totally ready to switch it up again. 

I will leave you with this boot camp inspired workout that's adapted from my Super Circuits class & my half marathon playlist that I didn't even listen to during the half marathon! But I promise it's been on repeat otherwise. 

Full Body Boot Camp Workout

Can you tell that circuit style workouts are my favorite? Best bang for your buck!  

Have a great Hump Day, everyone!

XO- Rach

Did you have a weird Tuesday, or am I the only one? Is Mercury in Retrograde or something?

What was your favorite workout of the week?