Posts in Nutrition Tips
Chocolate Chia Granola PERFECTED!

YO! I posted a granola recipe a few days ago and then I made it again and it came out better the second time after I tweaked some things!  But first, happy Thursday! We're almost to the weekend. Almost there. I feel like this week just flew by insanely fast and last week was the total opposite. I think because last week I was just exhausted! On Saturday after work I just passed the hell out for about three hours and I feel like those three hours caught me up for the entire week ahead. Is that possible?? 

Anyway, I've been loving this granola recipe and I wanted to stress just how EASY it is to make this and other snacks to have on hand. I have a few clients at work who have been asking about nutrition lately, and the biggest thing I've noticed is that there's a general lack of knowledge about really how easy it is to meal prep a bit to avoid eating packaged shit. You guys, it's SO EASY! Just don't be lazy. Take a couple hours on Sunday and make a bunch of food. That's it. No need to get all crazy and measure out every little ounce into tupperware, just make a big batch of the foods you love so that you have them ready for the week to grab when you need! 


Carb sources: Rice and sweet potatoes. Rice takes like 15 minutes to make. Poke some sweet potatoes with holes, wrap in tin foil and bake for an hour. BAM you have healthy, already cooked complex carbs for the week! 

Protein sources: Chicken, fish, ground turkey. Bake your chickens and fishies and/or sauté a package of ground turkey. Easy! 

Veggies: Chop some raw vegetables for snacking A.K.A celery, carrots, peppers. Roast a big pan of vegetables (great combo = brussels sprouts, peppers, mushrooms) and then keep in the fridge for the week. 


Chopped raw veggies, hard boiled eggs, homemade granola (see below :) ) , homemade protein bars or bites, fresh fruit with plain greek yogurt...the list goes on! 

So please stop spending a ton of money on fancy protein bars and high-end, organic granola when you can make it yourself. Look how delicious it looks! And it is! 

Chocolate Chia Granola |

One step in making this granola is major key. When you take the granola out of the oven to cool, scatter a few chocolate chips on top. They will melt and when you mix it all up to transfer to a container, the chocolate will harden and make little chocolate clusters. MAJOR KEY. This morning I topped it on some FlapJacked protein pancakes for some crunch...

Chocolate Chia Granola |

[yumprint-recipe id='22']

If you like this recipe, pin it for later! 

Chocolate Chia Granola |


5 Reasons to Get Outside During The Work Day

What's up, party people? Is anyone as excited as I am that Thanksgiving is in TWO DAYS!?! I cannot wait. Jumping up and down.

It's been a busy week at work so far trying to get everything done and scheduled so that I can enjoy the holiday and the weekend.

It's getting so chilly up here! On Sunday Michael and I went for a little hike through the Wissahickon Trail. It was so glorious and I'm mad that I haven't done it before. It got me really thinking that it's SO important to get outside and enjoy some nature and vitamin D because there are so many health benefits - mental and physical. Since working full time inside of an office, it really makes me appreciate the fresh air even more so. 

Wissahickon Trail

Wissahickon Trail


5 Reasons To Get Outside During The Work Day

1. You practice being present and mindful.

Being outside in nature makes you 'naturally' more aware of your surroundings. Even if it's just for 10 minutes, you can't deny that enjoying nature allows you to free your mind a bit. At work each day, I try to make a point to get out of the office for 10-20 minutes and walk around outside WITHOUT checking my email on my phone (sometimes I even fail at this.) A breath of fresh air brings my mind that's usually in a million different places to ease.

2. You'll be more productive.

This goes along with #1, but it's definitely true that after a walk outside, I get back into my office with a more productive mindset. Maybe it's because I am a bit more present and my mind isn't all over the place, but it's actually proven that getting outside lowers symptoms of distractibility. So when you're feeling that adult ADD kicking in, go outside! 

3. Your less likely to be depressed.

Spending hours and hours in front of our computer can lead to bad sleep, worsened eye sight and even depression. Think about it, human beings weren't meant to sit at a desk all day staring at a computer screen or phone screen. Our bodies need to be exposed to the restorative elements of nature on a daily basis. Right now in this moment, what puts a smile on your face? Envisioning walking down a beach on a sunny day or watching YouTube videos in bed?  

4. Your stress levels will lessen. 

You know when that mental fatigue kicks in around 3:30 p.m. and you want to either pull your hair out or fall asleep? It's time to go outside. Getting outside encourages you to move your body, and just a quick 5-15 minute stroll can boost your endorphins and lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). Cue those happier feelings! Instead of that afternoon pick-me-up coffee, try taking a short walk instead.

5. It improves your immune system. 

Exposure to nature is proven to make you healthier by improving your immune system. Catching some rays helps your skin produce more Vitamin D, which will help your body stay strong to fight of illness. Even if you are sick, getting a breath of fresh air will allow you to escape from the indoors that are crawling with germs. 

The great outdoors are just that. They're GREAT. I challenge you to get outside every single day during your work week for at least 20 minutes if you can to reset, clear your mind and help your health. And if you have a job that allows you to be outside for the majority of the time, you rock. 

Have a wonderful day!! 

XO- Rach

Do you try to get outside during the day?

Have you ever felt mentally fatigued?

What else is a natural stress reliever for you?





How To Bounce Back After A Week of Indulging

How To Bounce Back After A Week of Indulging! A few simple tips to get you back on track. We've all been there, done that. Eating and drinking just a little too much - maybe just during the weekend or the span of an entire week, month, what have you. It happens! Rather than beating ourselves up for it, we can take a more proactive approach. Let me tell you, last week I ate and drank all kinds of crazy good food and wine. Although I still managed to get in some exercise, eating a lot of heavy foods and sugar really does take a little toll on my body. 

So, instead of skipping meals, doing a 'master cleanse' (ugh, cringe) or getting all upset about it, here are a few simple tips that can help to get you back on track! 

Drink Water

Drink water and drink a ton of it! Even though it makes you feel full, drinking a ton of water is the best thing you can do after overeating or indulging. It will help clear out your system and keep you hydrated. After I eat a big, unhealthy meal, I always feel SO thirsty! Eating out a lot can add a lot of unwanted sodium into your system, and the only way to counteract that is with some H2O. Get crazy and add some lemon to it. Keep a full bottle near you all day. I found this awesome Zinger water bottle that lets you squeeze and infuse citrus juice into the bottle - perfect for all those water haters. 

Move Ya Body

Although you might feel a bit slow, moving your body is important. Chances are you're feeling a little sluggish from the lack of nutrients or excess refined sugar & carbohydrates that you've consumed. One of the best ways to get those energy levels back is to sweat it out. You don't have to go crazy, even a light workout will do, like this one! Two things that help me are getting outside and wearing long sleeves or pants. Fresh air does wonders. You can also wear long sleeves or pants during a workout if you really want to sweat and keep your body temperature warm. 

Don't Skip Meals

Don't be tempted. The only way to keep your metabolism going is if you fuel your body! Stick with a lot of protein, fiber and fresh produce to keep you feeling full. Think of it as adding all the good fuel back in to replace the not-so-good fuel. 

Don't Stress

Seriously, don't get your panties all in a wad. So you ate some delicious meals and drank a little too much wine? Great, you're enjoying life. 

XO  - Rach

What are some things you do that make you feel better after indulging?