Posts in Career
5 Tips That Will Make You a Better Fitness Instructor

Getting my ACE certification to teach group fitness in college was probably one of the best things I could have done. I've learned A LOT in the past three years that I've been teaching, but I know that there is a lot more to learn. If you're a group fitness instructor, a trainer, or even if you're thinking of becoming certified in the near future, here are some things that really helped me get to where I am now and made the whole instructor thing really "click."  Group Fitness Class!

1. Practice

Practice, practice, practice. Especially when you're first starting out. When I started teaching cycle classes, I would put on my head phones, head to the gym and get on a cycle bike to run through my entire class. When you nail those cues, it makes for such a strong impact in class! When I put together my playlists, I listen to each song through and literally mouth the cues that I will speak in class. I probably look ridiculous, but hey, it works! Doing this makes it much easier during class, too, and you can really focus on your participants and keep the energy high. I STILL practice a lot. I had to sub a kickboxing class not too long ago and ran through combos for hours before! 

2. Take other classes

Take other instructor's classes that are similar to what you teach AND take classes that are way outside of your comfort zone. Some of the cues that I use on a regular basis are taken from yoga classes. I am so not a yogi. It's important to BE the participant so you can see what you like and don't like as one taking the class. It's also important to keep an open mind, as a lot of your participants come from all different backgrounds and fitness levels.

I very often take classes with instructors that I look up to so much. Watching a strong instructor in action is very empowering. I can't tell you how many cues, drills, exercises and songs I've taken away from other instructors that I idolize. It's important to have mentors and peers to look up to! This is one of my favorite ways to grow as an instructor. 

3. Ask for feedback

Ask for feedback from other instructors AND your participants. When I first started teaching, I would ask after every class what my participants liked about the workout and what they didn't like. Ask what kind of music your class likes, what their goals are, how they feel after the workout - every little bit of information helps. Once you nail down what your participants like, you will start to see that regular crowd and it WILL make you feel all warm and fuzzy. I've met so many awesome people through teaching. Remember: as an instructor, we show up for our participants - asking for their opinions should be top of mind. 

On the flip side, constructive criticism is key. If you're able to teach in front of your supervisor or another instructor or trainer, you'll be amazed at how much you can improve. Professional feedback can never be too valuable. 

4. Teach for your participants, not for yourself

I've been to classes where it's clear that the instructor is trying to get in a great workout for his or herself. While this is definitely possible, it's not the best mindset as a group exercise instructor. I'm totally guilty of this sometimes when I can't get my own workout in, but I'll reiterate what I said in the last point - as an instructor, we show up for our participants. It's very rare that I ever do the entire workout with my class (besides teaching to the 32-count in a strength or choreographed class). In spin classes, I get off of the bike almost every song. During my strength and cardio classes, I walk around the room giving high fives when the class is doing high knees. When you focus on instructing for your participants, you'll give them a positive experience. Be the instructor who helps with form. Be the instructor who cheers each participant on one by one. Be the instructor who gives high fives. I'm serious, this one's a biggie! When you show that you care for each one of your participants, they will return. And that's the whole point of being a fitness professional, right? Helping others adopt and sustain a healthy lifestyle. 

5. Read, learn & experience as much as you can

Keep on learnin'! There are really great sources out there for new information. I'm certified through ACE, so I regularly head to the website for new articles and information. As the fitness industry grows, we fitness professionals need to grow and adapt with it. Seek out fitness expos, conventions and specialty certifications when you can. Learning and growing will make you an overall well-rounded instructor. 

TRX Group Suspension Certification!

What happens when you put a bunch of fitness enthusiasts in the same room. Evolve Fitness Conference!

Go get em'!! 

XO - Rach

What's one thing that made you a better instructor or trainer?

What's your favorite quality in a group fitness instructor?

What are your favorite group fitness classes to take? 

5 Reasons to Get Outside During The Work Day

What's up, party people? Is anyone as excited as I am that Thanksgiving is in TWO DAYS!?! I cannot wait. Jumping up and down.

It's been a busy week at work so far trying to get everything done and scheduled so that I can enjoy the holiday and the weekend.

It's getting so chilly up here! On Sunday Michael and I went for a little hike through the Wissahickon Trail. It was so glorious and I'm mad that I haven't done it before. It got me really thinking that it's SO important to get outside and enjoy some nature and vitamin D because there are so many health benefits - mental and physical. Since working full time inside of an office, it really makes me appreciate the fresh air even more so. 

Wissahickon Trail

Wissahickon Trail


5 Reasons To Get Outside During The Work Day

1. You practice being present and mindful.

Being outside in nature makes you 'naturally' more aware of your surroundings. Even if it's just for 10 minutes, you can't deny that enjoying nature allows you to free your mind a bit. At work each day, I try to make a point to get out of the office for 10-20 minutes and walk around outside WITHOUT checking my email on my phone (sometimes I even fail at this.) A breath of fresh air brings my mind that's usually in a million different places to ease.

2. You'll be more productive.

This goes along with #1, but it's definitely true that after a walk outside, I get back into my office with a more productive mindset. Maybe it's because I am a bit more present and my mind isn't all over the place, but it's actually proven that getting outside lowers symptoms of distractibility. So when you're feeling that adult ADD kicking in, go outside! 

3. Your less likely to be depressed.

Spending hours and hours in front of our computer can lead to bad sleep, worsened eye sight and even depression. Think about it, human beings weren't meant to sit at a desk all day staring at a computer screen or phone screen. Our bodies need to be exposed to the restorative elements of nature on a daily basis. Right now in this moment, what puts a smile on your face? Envisioning walking down a beach on a sunny day or watching YouTube videos in bed?  

4. Your stress levels will lessen. 

You know when that mental fatigue kicks in around 3:30 p.m. and you want to either pull your hair out or fall asleep? It's time to go outside. Getting outside encourages you to move your body, and just a quick 5-15 minute stroll can boost your endorphins and lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). Cue those happier feelings! Instead of that afternoon pick-me-up coffee, try taking a short walk instead.

5. It improves your immune system. 

Exposure to nature is proven to make you healthier by improving your immune system. Catching some rays helps your skin produce more Vitamin D, which will help your body stay strong to fight of illness. Even if you are sick, getting a breath of fresh air will allow you to escape from the indoors that are crawling with germs. 

The great outdoors are just that. They're GREAT. I challenge you to get outside every single day during your work week for at least 20 minutes if you can to reset, clear your mind and help your health. And if you have a job that allows you to be outside for the majority of the time, you rock. 

Have a wonderful day!! 

XO- Rach

Do you try to get outside during the day?

Have you ever felt mentally fatigued?

What else is a natural stress reliever for you?





Time To Reflect & Set More Goals.

Setting goals and reflecting on the past year. What did you get accomplished and what do you want to achieve? Tonight begins one of the Jewish high holidays - Yom Kippur. If you're not Jewish or if you just don't know what Yom Kippur stands for, it's a time right after the Jewish new year to reflect and 'atone' for your "sins." 

I'm not a very religious Jew, I don't go to synogogue often, but I do practice Jewish traditions and I especially like to observe for Yom Kippur. I don't like to think I'm a sinner, and I'm definitely not a perfect being, but for me it's a good reminder to reflect on the past year, set a tone for myself for the upcoming months ahead and really set some intentions of where I would like to see myself in the next year. 

Get out of your comfort zone.

Working  full time now and adjusting to adult life has me even more so 'reflective' at this time of year. I feel SO lucky every single day that I get to come into work every day with a group of extremely talented people and then I can go home and teach my fitness classes and hang out with my main squeeze. It's a fun life, but I tend to get in my little 'comfort zones,' and I think that it's important at these times to realize why it's so important to get OUT of my comfort zone - personally and professionally.

This is the perfect time for me to start setting some new goals, not only because it's Yom Kippur, but also because my second quarterly review at work is coming up very soon. I've been working at Group Two for 5 months now (how did it go so quick?!) and I finally feel that I'm really getting the hang of things! It's time to challenge myself a little more. I'm excited to grow my knowledge in the advertising industry and keep learning new things. I have some specific goals but this isn't a work blog so I'll spare you the many specifics. 

In terms of personal goals, I have a few. I definitely want to grow my experience in the fitness industry. I've been teaching consistently about 1-2 times a week, but lately I've just been craving more. I don't know exactly what's next, but I want to eventually get my personal trainer certification and start networking a little bit more to take advantage of the awesome fitness scene in Philadelphia. Last night I met an instructor who teaches spin at a women's prison. How cool is that?! I also am determined to finish my first half marathon on October 31!

On another note, I'm determined to keep family on top. We're all spread out now. Womp. It's not so easy to hop in the car to drive home anymore, so I have to be more conscious about picking up the phone. Family is everything. 


With all of the above being said, I always like to take time to appreciate the past year and think of everything that I was able to accomplish. I'm happy with where I ended up after graduating and who I get to spend my days with. Life is really such an adventure! #RachelsDeepWordsOfWisdom.

Real time now - the Pope is coming to Philly this weekend and it's already a mad house here. There are porta-potties lining JFK Blvd. We're expecting 1,000,000 people. YIKES! The preparation is intense.

XO - Rach

Let's chat!

What are you excited for in the next few months?

How do you plan ahead and make goals? 

How often do you talk to your family?