Posts in Lifestyle
Turned 22 + Talula's Garden

Last Wednesday I turned 22! It was a pretty low key comparison to my 21st, that's for sure! The day was well spent though and I enjoyed every minute of it. I started off with an early morning 3 mile run and it felt HARD. On Sunday late afternoon I managed to run 4 and a half miles easy - running is such a challenge for me in that some days I feel great and some days I'm just questioning myself why I even am doing it because my legs feel like two cement blocks. But on the days that I feel great, I am motivated to just keep pushing through! Anyway, I sweat a ridiculous amount and when I got back to the apartment, Michael had pancakes waiting for me (AWWW) so nice.

banana pancakes

I decided to actually look a little nice on my birthday...I'm lucky because I really do get to wear whatever I want to work, but birthdays only happen once a year!

Shoes: Bar III, Skirt: J Crew, Shirt: Boutique in Ft. Myers can't remember, Denim Jacket: Crossroads Trading Co. resale clothing in Brooklyn

When I got to work I was surprised with lots of love! My c0-workers got me a spiralizer, muffin tin and a couple really cozy t-shirts. They already know me so well!


After work I went out with a few of my co-workers and friends to a couple different bars around work for SIPS, which is a city-wide happy hour that only happens on Wednesdays.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Michael picked me up around 8 and surprised me with a dinner at Talula's Garden, a place I've been DYING to go to ever since I moved up here. It did not disappoint. Unfortunately I had had a few drinks, I was very hungry and enjoying the evening so I didn't want to take out my phone to get pictures, but I did snap one of the beautiful garden we ate in. It's right across the street from Washington Square Park and it's a heavenly little spot.

Talula's Garden

We ordered an incredible cheese plate. I am STILL thinking about it, yet I cannot remember any of the cheeses that were actually on it! For my dinner I ordered the rainbow trout fish which was served over a crispy potato pancake along with roasted asparagus and a lemon cream sauce. I cleaned the plate. Talula's Garden is such a nice dining experience -  I definitely would recommend it to anyone who wants to have a beautiful meal in Philadelphia.

It was a great birthday! It ended with an even better weekend at the beach in Ocean City, MD! Details to come :)

- Rach

Do you have a favorite restaurant for your birthday? 


Vanilla Almond Butter Protein Balls + A Terrific Tuesday

Good morning! I have a recipe to share with you along with some more weekend pics and a workout. Last night I came home from work and felt inspired to make a quick grab and go snack. I eyeballed a lot of this recipe so these are very rough measurements!


  • 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp rolled oats
  • Roughly 1 cup almond butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp coconut flakes
  • Water - as needed for consistency


  • Mix everything together besides water
  • Add in water until mixture can easily be rolled into balls without falling apart

This is a super easy snack to make to have on hand and perfect for before or after a workout. I ate one after my early morning workout this morning. I tried a new gym only a couple blocks away from our new apartment. I wasn't feeling very creative in making up my own workout so I did this workout from one of my favorite bloggers, Jen at I switched the chest flies to pushups and added in 45 seconds of a cardio exercise after each round (burpees, skaters and jumping jacks.)

When I can get myself out of bed real early, I like to workout before hopping on the train to work because it gives me the freedom to come home and relax after work.

Before I go I wanted to share a couple more photos from last weekend. On Sunday we had brunch at Toast and it was delicious! I ordered the smoked salmon egg toasts. Such a perfect brunch meal. Michael ordered banana french toast and an egg sandwich. His french toast was definitely the best.

banana french toast

smoked salmon egg toast brunchI also finally found a winter coat to help me survive when it gets cold...

winter coatIn all seriousness though this is a SUPER warm down jacket that I got at Burlington for such a good price. And with that I'll leave you with:

- Rach



Life Lately: Moving, Working, Teaching...All of the Above!

Hey there! I haven't had the time to sit down and catch up lately - everything has been really busy, to say the least! I'll share some snap shots of the last week and a half or so, which seems to have gone by so fast. First off, I moved! Again! Michael and I got our first place together. It's been very new and exciting. We couldn't be happier with our place, and it seems to be finally coming together. We had an Ikea field day last Sunday and it took us three days to build a dresser. Okay, it was probably only a total of four hours, but when we get home from work the last thing we want to do is build furniture...

I'll share photos once the place looks nice, but here is one from the day we moved. Moving this leather couch was one of the hardest things I've ever done - it feels like it weighs 1,000 pounds and we put multiple holes in the hall way walls lugging this thing up the stairs!


The last few days we've just been busy trying to settle in. Here's a few snapshots from last week. We had a fun week at work including a venture to Painting With A Twist, a Good Humor sponsored ice cream party (clearly the ice cream deliverer doesn't eat the ice cream), and a morning of volunteering at MANNA which included making a batch of brownies for 300 people which was SO FUN. You better believe we cleaned the bowl pretty well...

Painting With a Twist!

Volunteering at MANNA

On Thursday my mom and grandma came to visit! I had a blast showing them around Philly. They both have never been here before and absolutely love it!


I was able to leave work early on Friday to give them a little tour. We stopped at Agno for lunch, which is basically a really healthy & Mediterranean Chipotle (AMAZING).

healthy agno

I showed them a lot of the historic landmarks including the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Elfreth's Alley and Betsy Ross's house. We also walked through the National Museum of Jewish American History. It's a beautiful museum! I loved it because it wasn't too large or overwhelming. We got through the entire museum in probably an hour, if that. Definitely recommend! The bottom floor features a lot of Jewish pop culture and we were cracking up at a Seinfeld episode that plays on a loop. We ended up at Spruce Street Harbor Park on the river because we all needed a beer after walking all day. Spruce Street Harbor Park is easily one of my favorite places in Philadelphia.

Victory Summer Love - currently my favorite brew!

Yesterday my mom came to my Saturday morning class at Sweat Fitness, we grabbed an egg sandwich at Reading Terminal Market and then we all hopped on the train to come to the new apartment. We spent the rest of the day buying some odds and ends for the apartment, some booze (necessary for a new apartment) and some stuff to make for dinner. It was the perfect Saturday ending with an amazing home cooked meal - angel hair with veggies and shrimp and delicious sirloin. Plus some munchies before hand...

cheese and crackers

My grandma and her delicious pasta.

Michael and I are heading into Center City soon to have brunch with my mom and grandma before they leave to go back to Florida. It was a short but sweet visit - we packed it in! I always say this, but I really do feel like I'm on a summer vacation even though I work full time - Philadelphia is such an amazing city with so much to offer! I probably won't be saying this in the winter, but for now, I'm loving it.

- Rach


How is everyone's summer going?

What's your favorite city?