Posts in Fashion
Weekend Getaway - Ocean City, MD

Happy Monday! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was spent in Ocean City, MD with Michael and some of his family. I was really excited since I had not been before and I was seriously craving some beach time. It's been too long! We arrived on Friday just in time for the beautiful sunset.sunset On Saturday we woke up late, had some eggs and bacon and headed out to the beach around noon. We didn't leave until 7. It was perfect! I don't think I really moved from my beach chair that whole time and that's exactly what I wanted to do. Because Saturday consisted mainly of sitting, I woke up earlier on Sunday morning to get in a run before going to the beach once more. I ended up doing 5 flat, sweaty miles. After refueling with some breakfast, we all headed back down to the beach again for a few hours.

Michael and I wanted to hit the road around 6, so we went for an early dinner at the Crab Bag. It was really fun and really messy. I kind of wish I could eat on a big paper table cloth with my hands all the time. Lady like?The Crab Bag Dinner

Another highlight of the weekend: finishing this 1,000 piece puzzle. I've decided that I really enjoy puzzles and need to buy some for my apartment. They definitely increase concentration and alertness. I'm all for games that are good for the brain! We've been playing Bananagrams at work when we can't focus and it really does help!

puzzleAnother random thought - how cute is this romper? I got it from Loft for half off! It's super comfortable and I love that it can easily be dressed up. Find it here.

- Rach

What's your favorite weekend getaway? 


Turned 22 + Talula's Garden

Last Wednesday I turned 22! It was a pretty low key comparison to my 21st, that's for sure! The day was well spent though and I enjoyed every minute of it. I started off with an early morning 3 mile run and it felt HARD. On Sunday late afternoon I managed to run 4 and a half miles easy - running is such a challenge for me in that some days I feel great and some days I'm just questioning myself why I even am doing it because my legs feel like two cement blocks. But on the days that I feel great, I am motivated to just keep pushing through! Anyway, I sweat a ridiculous amount and when I got back to the apartment, Michael had pancakes waiting for me (AWWW) so nice.

banana pancakes

I decided to actually look a little nice on my birthday...I'm lucky because I really do get to wear whatever I want to work, but birthdays only happen once a year!

Shoes: Bar III, Skirt: J Crew, Shirt: Boutique in Ft. Myers can't remember, Denim Jacket: Crossroads Trading Co. resale clothing in Brooklyn

When I got to work I was surprised with lots of love! My c0-workers got me a spiralizer, muffin tin and a couple really cozy t-shirts. They already know me so well!


After work I went out with a few of my co-workers and friends to a couple different bars around work for SIPS, which is a city-wide happy hour that only happens on Wednesdays.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Michael picked me up around 8 and surprised me with a dinner at Talula's Garden, a place I've been DYING to go to ever since I moved up here. It did not disappoint. Unfortunately I had had a few drinks, I was very hungry and enjoying the evening so I didn't want to take out my phone to get pictures, but I did snap one of the beautiful garden we ate in. It's right across the street from Washington Square Park and it's a heavenly little spot.

Talula's Garden

We ordered an incredible cheese plate. I am STILL thinking about it, yet I cannot remember any of the cheeses that were actually on it! For my dinner I ordered the rainbow trout fish which was served over a crispy potato pancake along with roasted asparagus and a lemon cream sauce. I cleaned the plate. Talula's Garden is such a nice dining experience -  I definitely would recommend it to anyone who wants to have a beautiful meal in Philadelphia.

It was a great birthday! It ended with an even better weekend at the beach in Ocean City, MD! Details to come :)

- Rach

Do you have a favorite restaurant for your birthday? 


It's a Happy Week!

By that I mean that this week involves a lot of happy hours. Last night I went to an event through YBConnected at the Brook's Brothers store in downtown Philadelphia to support MANNA, an organization that delivers food to those less fortunate in the Greater Philadelphia Area. My boss Mollie Elkman is one of the founders of YBConnected - the only woman in the founding group!

All ticket sales went to MANNA, as well as a percentage of the proceeds from anything that was bought in the store last night.

IMG_3048Shopping, wining, dancing and benefitting a good cause all in one night! Pretty cool.

saraMy cousin Sara stopped by as well to have some fun before taking her board exams for nursing (Eek - good luck girl!)

Right after work today we headed to Independence Beer Garden again because the weather here is fantastic and I feel like I need to soak up all of the warm weather fun before it turns wintry here. Also because from 5-7 p.m. beers are $3 and food is only $4! I'm telling you - this place is a must if you are ever in Philly!

This morning I woke up and went on a beautiful 3.5 mile run before work. I love when the streets are quiet and it seems like everyone is still sleeping. Something about it makes running feel so therapeutic! It makes me want to try (again) training for a race. There are so many fun ones up here too. Last time I rushed into it and did too much too fast and got AWFUL shin splints. I've gotta ease into it this time because I am for sure no runner!

Race Street Pier at Sunrise

I cannot believe tomorrow is already Thursday. These weeks are flying by - I still keep writing May whenever I have to write the date!

- Rach

Runners out there - any tips for starting a race training plan?